Looking for nanny/ househelp

Dear Users, I am in Trivalley – SanRamon and working in Pleasanton and expecting a baby in January end. I am looking for nanny/ house-help for same  Please connect with me in case if anyone is interested and/ or has got valid reference.
Neha Gupt

4 thoughts on “Looking for nanny/ househelp”

  1. Hi can you help me to dress up my girl for school and doping her off everyday morning from 6:30 to 7:30 am.

    Call me at 510 2898736

  2. If you are still looking for help around the house, call my cleaner Hilda – 925-695-4516. I am using her for 5 years now. She is very good with house hold work like cleaning and laundry. She does not cook though.


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