How can I become a Contributor?
Just sign up and start writing. The posts have to be relevant to the idea of this website.

How can I edit a post that I wrote in the past?
You can only edit an un-published post. If the post has been approved and published, it cannot be edited. You can wait to write another post as per the policy mentioned below.

Please note that while admin can update any facts like dates or phone numbers, please avoid reaching out to admin to update posts to modify your language, for example, just because you are not getting enough responses.

Should I share my contact information?
You can choose to leave a message, and have others contact you through comments on the site. Should you choose, you can leave your contact information like phone, email, etc. on the blog entry or comments. You should know then that you are publicly sharing them on the website, at your own responsibility. Where possible, we sometimes mask your email so that its not readily visible, but another person can still click on it to send you the email (but even in this case, its plain masking under an href link, the email id is still technically public). Please see our terms that you agree to if you use this website: http://www.trivalleydesi.com/terms/

How often are the posts approved?
The posts are approved in a batch. There are hundreds of people who are subscribed to the RSS feed (and thousands to the Weekly Digest) and get a Google Feedburner update email with a list of the approved posts on the day they are approved. In order that these subscribers do not get an email every time there is a new post, five or six posts are clubbed together and then approved. So sometimes it could take a couple of days or more before your post becomes visible. Yes, posts of some urgent nature could get delayed, but every effort is made to evaluate, and exceptions are made sometimes.

I have a business. How often can a create a post?
You are welcome to create a blog post to ‘informationally’ reach out to the community. However its not an acceptable idea if you want to create a post every other week as an advertisement campaign. Those posts will not get approved. The policy now is to approve posts from same businesses only once about three months, so as to not spam the subscribers and readers.

I have a post about my business that is not getting approved. What can I do?
If you have created a post in the recent past, and want another one out there, there’s got to be a valid reason. One good way is if you would like to give an exclusive significant deal or discount to the readers of this site. The readers need to see value if repeated messaging comes their way. The deal or discount has to be exclusive, and even this may not be approved. You can also consider a Sponsorship that helps exposure to your business as well as supports this site. More details are here: Become a Sponsor

I can’t understand why my post is not getting approved….
– Did you post a same or similar post in last 10 to 12 weeks, possibly even under a different name?
– Did you add a large number of pictures (of same sofa, car, apartment, etc. from 10 different angles)?
– Did you write the title or description in all CAPS, or using a formatting that calls a lot of attention?
– You want to do a moving sale, and created a different post for everything you want to sell?
– You created a post, but just added a picture if your poster, and did not include any description?

In general, please look at other posts and see if you can get an idea of how to post. You are not going to get an opportunity to do extra marketing, above and beyond what others are able to do. And as the administrator, I have very limited time to re-write or re-do your posts.

Can I formally advertise?
Sure, you are welcome to give additional visibility, especially if you have a product or a service that is of interest to the readers – through a Sponsorship program. Please contact admin or read more details here.

There is an event happening in the area, and would like to reach out to the mailing list through a sponsored email blast.
Yes, its a possibility, as long as the message is within editorial guidelines. This would be a Sponsored Post that will go on the top of the list to all subscribers. You can send this despite having a post recently (in the last three months).

I have an online business. Can I post?
Typically not. However, you are welcome to become a Sponsor and that way reach out to the readers/members.

What is the policy on out-of-area posts?
Out-of-area posts are marked as such, and are not made visible on the first page. They may, however, show up in a special section on bottom right. Events within the Bay Area, but outside of the Tri Valley Area are considered out-of-area. Administrator reserves the right to not approve any post for no reason whatsoever.

I would like to delete my phone number/email that I put on a post/comment for privacy reasons.
Certainly – please email admin with your request (on how to email, check about us page).
Please note that Search engines like Google index (or store or cache) the pages, and refresh them every two to three weeks. So your information may still show up in Search results for a few days.

I would like unsubscribe from the email list.
Please see http://www.trivalleydesi.com/subscribe2/, or just email admin.

FAQs last updated May 4, 2018

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