Community Average Scores – New way to measure homeschoolers performance

“Is my child’s performance good enough?” This question continually plagues the parents of homeschooled children including me. Over last few months, I have tried to explore several answers to this questions. I have made my son take chapter tests as well as periodic exams. However, I have found that scores sometimes can vary depending on evaluators. Standardized tests are another way and they can be expensive. Recently, I came across a very cool site and created an online learning account with IntelliSeeds ( I was intrigued with their concept of community average scores. Essentially, IntelliSeeds has several hundred practice and speed assessments for Math and Logical Reasoning. When my son does his practice, Intelliseeds generates a detailed report and compares my child’s score with a community average across all their user base. I have found this a neat and cost effective way to get a sense of my son’s performance. I can also compare the speed against an average. My son also enjoys it because it feels like he is playing a game.

I thought it might be worthwhile to share this with other parents.

— Nicole

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