Add a Post

If you would like to add an Entry/Post on this blog (so that it shows up on the home page), please click here to sign up (or login) and just add your content.

If you are a restaurant, hope you notice that people can now vote on your food. See here.

It will be reviewed and published in a few hours, a minimum of two times a week. Again, click here to sign up or register.

You can only add a post once in three months. As newer posts are added, your post would move down and off the home page, but still show up category pages, or the posts’ own pages – but will naturally loose website visitor attention.
For more information, please see FAQ.

The above is the primary (#1) way.
If you are a business, there two two other ways to add your business to this site:
(2) If you would like to also add your Business to a Directory, go here. The Directory is just a list of Businesses.
(3) if you would like to Advertise your business, go here. Advertised businesses shows up as an Ad on every page (see left column).

Please make sure your business/post is relevant to the people living in the Tri Valley Area.
Remember to assign one or more categories or tags to your posts.

Please contact for any further information.

Life in Tri-Valley