Category Archives: Pickup/Dropoff

Secure Transportation available for kids/parents

If you are looking for safe, secure, comfortable ride for yourself or any of your family members, please call/text Neil at 310 651 0311.  I charge $1.50/mile with $10 minimum.  You will be picked up in a 2019 model full size sedan with very comfortable leather seating and smooth ride.  Covid compliant with masks and interior fully sanitized before pickup.    If your parents need to go to doctor/mall or kids need to go for a class and picked up later…no problem.  (Nominal waiting charges will apply).

Fulltime nanny in Pleasanton for 7 month old

We are looking for a full time nanny to take care of our 7 month baby. between 7:45am – 5:15pm and occasionally till 5:30p. Do cooking and house hold work.
Prefer a Indian (south Indian or Punjabi nanny) & Prefer someone who can drive.
please feel free to call or text at 2066595549
Pleasanton – close to Bernal CVS/safeway, Bernal park,
Close to Pleasanton ACE train

Looking for a cook/mother helper

Hello, I am looking for a cook and/or a mother helper. I live in SanRamon. If you are able to drive and pick kids that would be even more awesome. If you are someone who can also take care of kids like giving bath that would work as well. Please reach out if even if you are not able to do all these things. I have those 3 requirements however if I cant find someone that can do everything I can settle for a cook as well. My kids are 7 and 3. If you cant come to cook everyday and can come alternate days that is fine as well. I am flexible and open to discussion. Please reach out.